About the Wellspring Method

My name is Dr Mark Lauderdale. As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist I helped children and families deal with life problems and stresses for over 25 years.

Throughout my career I continued to look for ways of genuinely helping people rapidly and effectively create positive changes.

Then, I decided to see what would happen if I blended together as many personal empowerment methods and success strategies as possible into a structured step-by-step process for dealing with fears and anxieties.

The result was... The Wellspring Method, which produced rapid effective results that I'll describe further below. And this isn't a method that I've just used occasionally.

I used this solution-generating confidence-building method in my office every day for many years with outstanding results!

Obtaining advice from a book or video usually does not work to produce real change in your emotions or your life, but the interactive nature of the Wellspring Method generates the inner strength and personal confidence you need to achieve the results you want PLUS it helps you develop a clear and specific plan to deal with your problem situation.

How the Wellspring Method Works

Many times we actually cause things to happen that we DON'T want simply because the idea was born out of fear or frustration or out of limiting beliefs that we took on somewhere along the way.

The Wellspring Method helps you shift your inner reality FIRST into the perceptions, beliefs and confidence that lead to personal success.

Once you accomplish this, things will start to change in your life, not only because of your conscious actions, but also AUTOMATICALLY as a result of your new unconscious beliefs.

With the negative emotions out of the way, you'll then be emotionally free to deal with challenging situations and achieve your SPECIFIC goals.

The end result will be assertiveness and confidence because you'll know within yourself that you'll be able to handle the situation well.

Just think about the NEXT time you're dealing with a difficult situation... Do you think you'll be more successful if you're feeling anxious and stressed? .. or strong and confident?

The answer is rather OBVIOUS isn't it?

And in which mental state will you be more likely to achieve a positive result .. anxious and stressed .. or strong and confident?

With over 30 years of experience with therapy methods I was able to incorporate a wide variety of techniques and strategies into my approach, specifically designed to generate a shift into personal power and produce positive change.

These include relaxation techniques, goal setting, hypnosis, mental rehearsal, motivational techniques, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), neurolinguistic programming (NLP), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), affirmations and several other personal success techniques and interpersonal strategies.

Here are a few methods and techniques built into this powerful system ..

Conquering Walls on the Path of Life

From Various Motivational Programs

Learn how to target the REAL obstacle - the specific problem situation that is triggering your stress. Then discover how to motivate yourself to look beyond the wall to the possibilities beyond.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. "

- Goethe

Let Your Vision of the Future, Not Emotion, Govern Your Actions

Goal-Setting and Creative Visualization from Business Leadership Psychology

Goal-setting and visualization are extremely powerful when they are done the right way! Discover how to open your mind to see new possibilities and exciting goals that draw you toward them like a magnet.

The Fearless Factor

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Experience the magic of desensitization. You'll actually measure your level of stress and watch it drop before your eyes! As you use the method several times, it changes you into a more proactive, positive-minded and confident person. You automatically become your best!

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Self-Talk Self-Listens

Affirmations and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Program yourself for success! Negative self-talk will become a thing of the past once you learn these powerful techniques and phrases.

Within Every Problem There's a Perfect Opportunity

From Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP ...Anthony Robbins' favorite technique)

Experience how the technique "reframing" can create rapid perception shifts. Discover how to generate valuable new solutions by uncovering the hidden possibilities that already exist within your situation.

"There's a valuable lesson in everything that happens. "

- Anthony Robbins

Dump the Junk and Free Your Mind

From the Field of Hypnosis

Inner change occurs best when the eyes are closed and you enter your inner reality. This is why books, tapes and courses so often don't work. Bypass the information trap. Learn how to play out emotional urges and negative scenarios to eliminate your stress in this simple, yet powerful, way. I'll help you focus on what is important as you discover this powerful way to create your life from the inside out.

What You See (in Your Mind's Eye) Is What You Get

Mental Rehearsal

Whatever you focus upon you will attract into your life. Experience this powerful technique used by top Olympic athletes as you imagine dealing with your challenging situation one time after another within the safety of your mind until you achieve success.

"You become what you think about all day long."

- Earl Nightingale

Bite-Size Chunks

From Success Psychology

Did you know that there's a guy in the Guinness World Book of Records who ate a bicycle? Don't ask me why, but the point is that anything can be accomplished if you just break the problem down into smaller manageable chunks (he cut up the bicycle and swallowed tiny pieces over several months). It's the same Principle of Success that climbers use to conquer Mt. Everest.

The Hidden Power Within You

The Wellspring Phenomenon

You already have solutions within you that you don't realize are there. Discover your mind's ability to reach deep within, break out of its normal way of thinking, and tap into profound strength and brilliant creativity ...in short, its greater potential! Discover the amazing secret of tapping into the power within and experience the Wellspring Phenomenon for yourself.

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Wellspring Method is now incorporated into the online interactive program called 'Bedtime Hero' for children who are afraid to sleep alone.

Live Powerfully!

Mark Lauderdale MD FRCPC